Architecture is everywhere,even at the looks we take at strangers on the street. Each one of us observes each person we see in a different way , by just staring at one person we can observe his whole life. Whether it makes an impression on the observer, and what impression it makes, depends not only on the work of art but to a great extent on the observer's susceptibility, his mentality, his education, his entire environment. It also depends on the mood he is in at the moment. As observers do by looking humans they do the same thing when they staring at the city, or a building or the street, they can imagine a whole condition by just a look. Instead of a street picture you get an impression of a whole town and its atmosphere. By just looking at a view we can compare it to how it looks on pictures, how pictures appeal humans, anyone who has first seen a place in a picture and then visited it knows how different reality is but someone who hasn't seen it in reality believes that ...