
bicycle shed with wood span


Architect in work

And alsoo tell ur friend to improve his english he has a loooot of mistakes on his reviewSeating arrangements are important too on architecture . From the very beginning and then architecture has its own science , now an architect before starting to design something , it may be a living room or a kitchen or a school or a theater, he has to think first for whom he is designing it, for which cultures and people. Because no one is the same with the other, everyone person , every family has its own culture and morals so he cannot design the same thing for all of them. For example the architect is going to design a different living room for an scientist and a different one for a religious family. Also the design gotta bring a harmonic and peaceful aesthetic to the owners but it's not only the problems of aesthetics it's also the essential human reference which makes architecture an art. In planning the architect should inquire into the essence of the activity , it's purpose,tech

Spaces and cavities

Architecture is everywhere,even at the looks we take at strangers on the street. Each one of us observes each person we see in a different way , by just staring at one person we can observe his whole life. Whether it makes an impression on the observer, and what impression it makes, depends not only on the work of art but to a great extent on the observer's susceptibility, his mentality, his education, his entire environment. It also depends on the mood he is in at the moment. As observers do by looking humans they do the same thing when they staring at the city, or a building or the street, they can imagine a whole condition by just a look. Instead of a street picture you get an impression of a whole town and its atmosphere. By just looking at a view we can compare it to how it looks on pictures, how pictures appeal humans, anyone who has first seen a place in a picture and then visited it knows how different reality is but someone who hasn't seen it in reality believes that

From the past to the present

From past to present many things has changed in architecture and many has stay the same as they were. The most interesting architectures then were Greek, Italian , Egyptian and especially Gothic. Ancients used to construct buildings with the material that were available with those they had. A stone wall obviously has a different character from a brick one, and certain characteristics of the finishing had different appearance and expression of the work. In Gothic architectures as cathedrals it was hard to separate the felling produced by the grandeur of the space from the enjoyment produced by the discovery of innumerable perfections of execution . The Greek and Egyptian buildings were determined and limited by the nature of the materials available to their builders , as those years materials were limited and hard to find. Some of the most interesting architectures in the past were the Parthenon , the Eifel Tower , the grandiose hypostyle hall at Karnak, the Basilica of Massenzio , the

Daylight in architecture

The quality of light is much more important than is generally recognized. Light has an important role in the appearance of a building even if it's outside of it or inside of it It doesn't matter , a good light always makes a room more appealing . Most of people do not realize how much the light can change the whole view of a room. Certainly the light isn't always the "right light" , not all the times of the day light appears nice in the room, The building or a hall shows different with the daylight , different with the sunset and different with the moonlight, each of them has its own beauty and elegance in human eyes. It is unbelievable how much a room a hall or a building can change when there is no light, for sure natural light makes things more special than room light  because the room light ,lights all the room same, In contrast with natural light which lights every part differently.

Experiencing architecture by steen eiler rasmussen

       Basic observations in architecture.The art of architecture is not always understandable . Some people have an opinion about architectures while they don't know exactly what's behind it.   Not everyone can understand it just  by looking at the plans. Architecture is a very' special functional art, it creates the framework around our lives. Solids and cavities in architecture.There is no objectively correct idea of a thing's appearance ,only an infinity number of subjective impressions of it. The act of recreation is often carried out of our indetifying ourselves with the object by imagining ouserves in its stead.The getaway was never finished but you do not  feel that anything is lacking. The most striking thing about this piece of architechture is that it is without ornament. The whole thing is done with such power and imagination that the observer feels he is confronted by a great building. Architecture experienced as color plans. Not everyone can see exactly t