From the past to the present

From past to present many things has changed in architecture and many has stay the same as they were. The most interesting architectures then were Greek, Italian , Egyptian and especially Gothic. Ancients used to construct buildings with the material that were available with those they had. A stone wall obviously has a different character from a brick one, and certain characteristics of the finishing had different appearance and expression of the work. In Gothic architectures as cathedrals it was hard to separate the felling produced by the grandeur of the space from the enjoyment produced by the discovery of innumerable perfections of execution . The Greek and Egyptian buildings were determined and limited by the nature of the materials available to their builders , as those years materials were limited and hard to find. Some of the most interesting architectures in the past were the Parthenon , the Eifel Tower , the grandiose hypostyle hall at Karnak, the Basilica of Massenzio , the Firth of forth brigde , the Exeter Cathedral, the Kings College Chapel in Cambridge and many more which has influence a lot of architects in present . Lights were as important as they are now, no architecture would look the same without the right lights and colours, there were seven colour contrasts, the contrast of hue, light-dark contrast, the cold-warm contrast , the complementary contrast , the simultaneous contrast and the contrast of saturation . Architecture continues to use every single natural materials exists from past to present to make buildings more appealing and interesting.


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